Standard Motor Club Publications
- a selection of reading material

Read all about Standards!
The Standard Car Review
The Standard Car Review is published 12 times per year and is mailed free to all members, worldwide. It is the successor to the factory’s monthly publication.
Now in its 49th Volume, It is timed to arrive in UK homes on the first of each month, arrival at other destinations, all by airmail, will be a few days later. The Club is rightly proud of it’s flagship magazine. This full-colour glossy production is one of the main means by which club events are promoted and by which members keep in touch with each other.
There are articles from members giving technical help and advice, and classified advertisements of cars and spares for sale and wanted. The colour photography records Standard events and there are reports from shows that members have attended. Reprints of workshop articles, period advertising for the cars and contact details for all the committee are included. There are advertisements for Club regalia and contact details for the officers running our spares warehouses.
The magazine is a welcome arrival on many hundreds ofdoormats all over England and much wider.
Get your copy by joining today! Go here

Potted Standard History
Also produced by our Editor, Steve O'Hara, this is a small booklet that details the models produced by the company over it's 60 year production run.
A handy addition to any bookshelf, it's available from the Online WebShop by clicking on this link
This booklet is provided for free in the “New members Pack”, when you join the Club.

Cars of the Standard Motor Company
Edited by our Historian, Phil Homer, this softback book is published by Amberley Press and runs to 96 pages with over 100 illustrations.
What the reviewers say:
Customer Review 1 : "Great Book, Phil, thanks. Andy Brayne"
Customer Review 2 : "Well worth it, can't put it down. Colin Ellis"
Customer Review 3 : What a great effort, and a nice size to. The photos that I've seen so far are fantastic. Andrew Keall"
The book aims to cover all the passenger vehicles that were produced with a Commission plate proudly stating that they were "Made by the Standard Motor Company."
The Standard Motor Company grew to be one of the biggest companies in Coventry. Based at its huge factory at Canley, Coventry, it produced cars for sixty years. The purchase of the Triumph marque in 1945 added a second brand to the stable and all post-war Triumphs were designed, developed and built in Standard factories. This book covers the formative years of the company from 1903 to 1912 and describes the vintage Standards produced between 1913 and 1930, as well as the post-vintage and Flying Standards of 1931–1939. There is chapter on Coachbuilt cars in the UK and Australia.
The author discusses the acquisition of Triumph and covers the post-war Standards and Triumphs produced between 1945 and 1961, as well as the Leyland takeover and Standard-built Triumphs.
This concise introduction includes descriptions of the cars built by Standard, and includes a fascinating variety of photographs of surviving cars, period factory photos and brochure material.
Available to members or non-members, by this link

The Book of the Standard Motor Company
Authored by Graham Robson the world-renowned Motoring Author. Produced by Veloce.
Publishing in June 2011 and incorporating material from the archives of the Standard Motor Club, this colour, glossy coffee table book covers the complete Standard history, including wartime production of aircraft and military vehicles.
It also includes over 260 photographs and specifications of the cars.
For more information or to order please go to the Online WebShop by clicking here: