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1924 Standard Model V3 2-Seater Tourer

This recently discovered car belongs to Club Member Mathew Bell from Horncastle.

Mathew has restored the car mechanically to a roadworthy condition. Just in time for its 100th birthday!

The early history of the car is unknown until the owner stopped using it and put in a barn in 1951, that’s 73 years ago.

At some time, or perhaps for most of the time, the car served as a Chicken Coop! There it remained until 2019, when the owner died. The car passed from the owner’s estate to a new owner, who moved it to another shed, in Grantham. At this point it was inspected by the Club’s DVLA representative, David Groom who verified it’s authenticity, enabling it to be re-registered with the DVLA.

The V3 was subsequently sold to Joshua Bell, who passed it on to its current owner, his brother, Mathew. Mathew has bought the car to add to a growing fleet of Classic Cars and Motorbikes, but intends to keep the bodywork, interior and hood in the gently patinated condition you see in the photographs.

 If you have a Standard that is unregistered or have any difficulties requiring the DVLA’s services you should contact David Groom, the Club’s DVLA Representative, in the first instance. David can steer you through the rules to ensure you have a successful outcome. You can read more about this service here



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Phil Homer


Standard Motor Club


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