In 2024 we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Standard Register Trust, which is the fore-runner of the Standard Motor Club. We will be celebrating the event over the coming year.
First however, Len Barr recalls the first ever meeting of the organisation;
On the 19th January 1974, the late David Hanson organised for a group of like minded Standard enthusiasts to gather in Coventry, at the then new Industrial Store of the Herbert Museum in Coventry, this was the fore-runner of what is now the Coventry Motor Museum.
David Hanson then outlined his ideas for forming what was then known as “The Standard Register Trust” and by the end of the meeting, he invited those present that were interested to form an orderly queue and pay over their first year’s subscription of £1 each. This then funded the publication of a regular monthly newsletter and the formation of the Spares Service, both of which are still going strong 50 years later with a world-wide membership of nearly 1000.
Membership numbers were issued in order of receipt of the £1 subscription. Over twenty members formed the nucleus of founder members on that day 50 years ago. By the 24th March 1974, less than two months later, this number had risen to 70 members.
Yours truly was present as a child of 7 years, along with my parents. My father was 16th in the queue and signed up as member number 16. I now have my father’s old membership number.
The Standard Register Trust then formally changed its name to The Standard Motor Club in 1979, due to repeated requests from the Club’s Accountants and bankers, as it wasn’t actually a Trust in the legal sense of the word.
On the 19th January 2024, I will open a bottle and drink a toast to the next 50 years. I invite all Club Members, wherever you are in the world to also raise a glass on that day. I would also ask you to remember the late David Hanson and to thank him for his ideas and hard work in setting it all up 50 years ago. .
Leonard Barr
Here is the receipt for the pound that was paid on the day{

The first Newsletter was a single side of A4:
